Friday, 27 November 2015

Archimedes's "Eurika" moment

 Archimedes invented, or people say he invented, a bunch of different kinds of machines. The most important of these machines was the screw pump, which uses a screw to lift water from one place to another.

  I am going to talk about the "Eurika" moment and what he did. At that time he lived in Greece Syracuse, and the king  gave somebody a peace of gold to make him a crown. After a couple of days that person gave the crown and the gold that was left to the king. The king thought that  that guy stole some of the gold left over, so he called Archimedes. When Archimedes arrived  he couldn't find out if that guy had stolen any gold.

 One day when Archimedes was in the bath he saw that when you get in water or any other material that some of the water goes out because any object such as a rock if i put it in a jar full of water then some of that water will go out. So he was in the bath and when he saw that he shouted, Eurika! (I found it) And ran to tell the idea to the king. Archimedes and the king discovered that the guy that had made the crown for the king also stole some of that gold. And that was the story of Archimedes's "Eurika" moment.

1 comment:

  1. Alex,this is brilliant, your English is of such a high standard, you must have very good teachers! lol ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜Ž Superstar ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘
